Thursday, January 24, 2008

Foreign Language

My plans with my foreign language degree are to be an interpretive for the CIA and travel to countries. I want to go to the military after I graduate from the University of Memphis. While in the military I plan to further my language studies. I also plan to start on my education to becoming a criminal justice lawyer. After finishing my three years in the military, I plan to go to Georgetown University. There I am going to get my master degree in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese. After law school and receiving my master degree in foreign languages, I plan to travel to a few countries. The first country I want to visit is China. I want to live there for a couple of years to study the culture and beliefs. The second country is Japan to further my study of different cultures. The last country to visit is Chile. I want to go there just to relax and enjoy the scenery. After my traveling is over I will come back to the United States to open a law firm, and start my business of being a criminal justice lawyer. This is all just planning nothing is wrote in stone.


Kelvin Oliver said...

I remember in high school taking Spanish for three years. I never did get into liking it as my favorite language until I was in my second year. Similiar to you, I would like to travel to Spain or any country to just get away and have fun. That is something I would like to do in life. I can not imagine myself trying to study more than one language. You have excellent goals in mind as far as what you want to with your college education. Go out and enjoy the world and have fun!

Nancy said...

Wow Joseph, you have great goals! Your mind must be clicking all the time. I think it is great that you have such definite plans for your future. People who start with goals in mind tend to always accomplish something even if they change some of their goals.

Sarah said...

First of all I want to say that I could never take that many languages. I took Spanish for two years in high school and that was enough for me. From talking to you it seems like the language thing is going pretty good so far. I hope the rest of your plans work out as well. Your major seems very interesting and I think you will enjoy it!

Meghan Lyons said...

Wow Joseph! I think it is inspirational that you are willing to go after your goals and that you have a plan for your life. Learning all those languages, along with going to all those countries, and having all that experience in the military would make you a very cultured young man. Keep chasing after your dreams!